The application Sessions Records and Deliberations allows the management of the workflow for deliberations and decisions of government and collegial bodies. Once a Session has been created, structures that have been added as Proposing Structures can submit Deliberation Proposals. When a Deliberation Proposal is submitted, the session manager will have to manually validate or reject them, in order to be included in the Agenda.
The action can be done by the Session Manager that is administrating the Session.
Government Bodies that refer to an individual structures follow a different workflow, and deliberation proposals are submitted by the Session Manager itself.
.Select Application
From the sidebar menu, select Sessions Records and Deliberations, then access the service Manage as Responsible of the Session - Organization from the list.

List of Active Sessions
Then, click on the Deliberations button net to the session you want to check. The number within the button indicates the amount of Approved proposals that will be discussed in the session.

List of Deliberation Proposals
The window is divided into three blocks.
- In the upper part you can verify the details and status of the selected Session
- On the left you can see an overall of the invited structures (Proposing structures) and the status of their proposals.
- On the right, you can see the details of the all the deliberation proposals, both in draft and forwarded to the session manager.

Cancelled Proposals
Deliberation proposals that have been cancelled or rejected will stay on the list but will be grayed out.
Manage Proposals
By clicking on the Manage button next to a proposal, you will access its details and you are able to modify its information. You can also add new files or delete the existing ones.
As the Session Manager you can also Approve or Reject the proposal, by including a short comment/feedback if necessary.
You can modify the content of the proposal until the final consolidation of the Agenda, even if the deadline is expired.