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[Summary] IT Protocol management manual, document flow and archives

By Nick
March 2020


Scope of this manual

It describes the training, registration, classification, collation and filing of documents, both electronically and paper, as well as the management of document and archival flows in relation to administrative procedures. Through integration with the procedures for managing procedures administrative, access to documents and information and archiving of documents, the IT protocol creates the operating conditions for one more efficient management of internal information and document workflow of the administration, also for the purpose of streamlining procedures and transparency of administrative action.


AOOOperating Organization UnitIt refers to the organization as a whole; in our environment it is represented by the brand/business account itself.
RDGDocumental management ManagerIt is the operator which is responsible for the correct use and management of the IT Protocol and its workflow
UOROperating Responsible UnitIt represents each structure, inside the AOO, which has the same duties and responsibilities. In our environment, it is a second-level structure inside the organization
RPAResponsible for Administrative procedureFor each UOR (structure) it is by default represented by the head of the unit. In some cases, you can specify a different operator that belongs to the same structure and represents the responsible for that specific workflow
UOPOrganization Unit of Protocol RegistrationThis structure is the one responsible for the IT Protocol workflow and management. It is normally the unit that is responsible for the internal communications and postal duties.

RDG - Documental management Manager

The organization specified an RDG for the management of the IT Protocol. In particular, this operator:

  1. works along the responsible for data protection (RPDG) and the other figures involved in data protection;
  2. grants access to each operator for the access and management of the IT Protocol, considering the permissions for visibility, registration, modification and cancellation;
  3. guarantees that each operator respected the data protection agreements and the related agreements

Related Applications
IT Protocol / Documents Management

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