The application Manage Authorization Groups allows you to:
- Create and Manage Group of users
- Populate the groups with explicit or calculated members
- Set expiration dates for the memberships
- Set Responsibles and Delegates for the management of the group
A delegate is the figure that can manage the memberships of the group and deactivation events.
Access the application
The application can be accessed from the Administration menu in the sidebar, clicking on Manage Authorization Groups.
Then, select a group to continue.
Manage the Delegates for a group
A Delegate is a member that is in charge on managing the group memberships and the eventual Deactivation events. Any user registered in the system with a personal code can be assigned as Delegate and will inherit such permissions.
Members of the group assigned as Responsibles are in charge of doing the assignments, and can remove them in the same way. Once a delegate is removed, the record will be moved in the History of Delegates
Add a new Delegate
To add a new delegate, open the group details and go to the Delegates tab. At this point, click on the Add a Delegate user button and select the user, then confirm.

Remove a Delegate
To remove an existing delegate, click on the icon next to the delegate name.

History of Delegates
Within the Delegates tab, at the end of the page, you can see the history of Delegates for the selected group.