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Gestione di una sessione di un organo governativo (panoramica del flusso di lavoro)

Da Nick
April 2023

The application Sessions Records and Deliberations allows the management of the workflow for deliberations and decisions of government and collegial bodies.

This guideline is intended to be an overview and to link the other guidelines within the general workflow of the process and will follow the chronological order of the Session Status.

Before Starting

The workflow is integrated with the IT Protocol / Documents Management; therefore, it is important that the service has been correctly setup.

In addition, in order to manage a Session Records, it is necessary to have configured a Government Body and the sections/categories to be discusses.

Once this is done, you can proceed as Session Manager to create a new session.

Roles and Definitions

Session ManagerIt is the user responsible for the administrative management of the Session, from the creation to the generation of the final proceeding document (Report)
Proposing StructuresThese are departments that have been defined in the Session settings as allowed to submit Deliberation proposals for that Session/Government Body
Involved StructuresThese are departments that are not proposing the deliberation, but which will be involved in the process upon approval.
Minute SecretaryIt is the elected member responsible to register the outcomes and discussions of the Session, and to report them to the Session Manager
PresidentIt is the member responsible for the management of the discussion of the Government Body. In the final step, signs the final proceeding document (Report) for its validity.

Open - Accepting Proposals

During the submission period, defined by a deadline specified by the Session Manager, structures that have been added as Proposing structures are allowed to Submit a Deliberation proposal.

Locked - Deadline for Proposals

Once the deadline is expired, proposing structures are not longer allowed to submit new proposals, and the Session Manager is then responsible for their approval or refusal.

Approved - Deliberations verified

The Session Manager will have, once the deadline is passed or at any moment, to consolidate and close the period for Deliberation Proposals submission. This can be done by Consolidating proposals and will allow to generate the Agenda and the Invitation for the members of the Government Body.

Invitation Sent

Once the Deliberations are consolidated, the Session Manager will generate the Agenda of the Session and the Invitation for the members of the Government Body.

In progress - Minute Secretary in Charge

The day of the session, the Session Manager will elect a Minute Secretary, who will be responsible to report the outcomes and discussions of the Government Body. The Actions of the Minute secretary include checking attendances and reporting the final outcomes for each of the Deliberation proposals.

The Minute Secretary can be any user from the organization and is granted access to the application from the election, and until the moment in which the Session Manager has approved the forwarded documentation.

Concluded - Documentation received

Once the Minute Secretary has forwarded back the documentation to the Session Manger, it is time to Generate the Final Proceeding Documents. Upon checking the accuracy of the information, the Session Manager will validate them.

Under Signature - Documentation accepted

At this point, they will be able to generate the final Proceeding Document (or "Report") that the President of the Government Body will have to sign. After that, the Session Manager uploads the file in the system, registers and archives the session.


Once archived, the session and its deliberations can no longer be modified but can be consulted by the members of the related Government Body.

Applicazioni correlate
Gestione Sedute e Delibere

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